Getting your content to rank on Google can prove to be a challenging feat for many fee-only financial advisors. With algorithms constantly changing, staying up-to-date in your SEO strategy is overwhelming for most — especially if you’re not familiar with how it works.

However, there are simple tactics you can implement now to improve your SEO and your online presence tomorrow.

In this guide, we’ve outlined key factors Google considers when ranking pages for SEO and steps you can take to better your strategy in that area.

#1 How Long Someone Spends on Your Content (Dwell-Time)

The longer a visitor remains on your page, the more it signals that your content is actually relevant to what they are searching for, thus giving you an upper edge for SEO ranking.

seo for fee-only financial advisors

What it reveals is that people like the content— it’s engaging and worth clicking on. “Dwell-time” is a big factor because search engines aim to give users the best results.

How to Improve:

One way to keep people on your page longer is by adding interactive pieces. Content such as videos, calculators, assessments, and quizzes are great ways to get visitors further involved and engaged in your content.

It also improves user experience, offering different ways for people to consume your content.

#2 In-depth, Long-Form Content Wins

According to Backlinko, the average Google first page result contains 1,890 words. Long-form, comprehensive content covers an entire topic that fully addresses a user’s question or problem. They’ll get everything they need in one place — it’s one-stop shopping.

How to Improve:

A huge goal of your fee-only financial advisor marketing strategy is to show that you’re an expert in financial planning and wealth management.

Delving deep into topics that interest your target audience positions you as an authority while offering great value.

seo for fee-only financial advisors words seo

Therefore, aim for 2,000 words when creating content, so you cover different angles of your topic. Consider the common questions that are often asked and be sure to address them in your article. Finally, give actionable steps and solutions your reader can use to better their financial health.

#3 The Percentage of People Clicking on Your Content (Click-Throughs)

It’s no surprise that organic clicks are a key ranking factor for search engine optimization. Clicks tell that the content is likely to be the information users are seeking in their quest. The good news is getting more people to click on your stuff is not as hard as you think.

How to Improve:

Take time to craft the best headline possible that is intriguing, highlights a benefit, and reveals what people can expect in your post. Numeric (10 Ways to____) and How-To’s make excellent headlines for improved engagement.

Also, include your primary keyword in your title. Make sure it’s one that your audience is actively searching for.

Finally, your meta-description provides a quick snippet of your content. It plays a big role in getting clicks. Use this to your advantage by making it actionable (active voice), at 135-160 words, and include your keyword.

#4 Keywords are Key!

Speaking of keywords, they’re still highly relevant for improving your SEO for your fee-only financial advisor marketing strategy. Adding them to your title tag, URL, image ALT text, H1, and description tag is important.

Yet, you also want to naturally include LSI keywords throughout your content to alert Google that your page covers the topic well.

What are LSI keywords? They’re simply words or phrases that are strongly associated with your page’s topic.

How to Improve:

Use the tool LSI Graph to help you generate keywords that are linked to your main keyword. Enter your target keyword and you’ll find a wealth of LSI keywords related to your primary one. Add any of them that makes sense to your content.

#5 Mobile-Ready is Priority

It’s a no-brainer that more people are accessing the internet from the smartphone than desktop computers. In fact, Search Engine Land says nearly 60 percent of Google searches occur on mobile devices.

Additionally, Google will soon consider the mobile version of your website the real version. In an announcement made late last year, Google will eventually switch over to a “mobile-first index” where your mobile-version website will show even if users are accessing it from a desktop.

So, not only is it a must that your website is mobile-optimized for the majority of your organic search visitors, but it’s also important you begin preparing for this mobile-first index shift now to be ready tomorrow!

How to Improve:

First, ensure that your website is indeed mobile-friendly by taking the test.

Second, make sure that your website is easy to navigate and formats properly on mobile. If users have a hard time finding your content (or what they’re looking for) or it takes too long to load, they will quickly navigate away, which hurts your user experience.

Improving your SEO strategy for your fee-only financial advisor marketing doesn’t have to be a challenging feat. Implement these tips to gain a slight edge above your competitors.

Learn More: Search Engine Optimization Strategies

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